Online shop of iberian ham and pork products.
With us you can find high quality products, in addition to enjoying a close and personal treatment.
All our products are handcrafted every day, come and visit us!
Arcón del Fraile was born from the passion of a family with strong links with the Aracena mountain range, and their commitment and interests in its traditions and gastronomic tastes.
We are committed to meeting the needs of the most demanding clients, with particular emphasis on satisfying those that have a desire to consume high quality products. We are therefore offering an exquisite range of products to the market, which is authentic and always keeps in mind the well-being of our animals. We therefore present our product range, based around the Iberian pig.
We are delighted to offer on-line this range of pork products. Our animals are free range, and live free in the mountains in a protected community where the purity of their breed is protected. They are subject to a stringent care and feeding process from the moment of birth, and their feed during this process includes them being fed acorns during the last processes of their life. This means that as “acorn fed” animals, they are known in Spain as “Bellota Products”. This, as well as the processes followed that have been employed for generations in the production, result in these top quality products.
After the slaughter process, the product is conserved and treated in specialised factories which follow traditional techniques.
From this process, we are delighted to present this range of luxury products.
Shop of iberian ham and pork products
Sierra de Aracena y Picos de Aroche
Sobrasada Ibérica
Elaborada a partir de una receta
transmitida de generación en generación
siempre cuidando la máxima calidad en
nuestra materia prima.
The piece of Iberian loin is dried in a chamber and undergoes a lengthy maturity process. This is perfect for tapas, sándwiches or snacks and starters.
Head of Iberian loin, made from selected meats, carved by hand, delicately flavoured and pressed, this is subsequently rolled with innards to achieve an authentic , traditional product.
Sobrasada Ibérica
Elaborada a partir de una receta
transmitida de generación en generación
siempre cuidando la máxima calidad en
nuestra materia prima.
Cabecero de lomo de cerdo ibérico, carnes seleccionadas, cortadas a mano, aliñado, amasado y posteriormente embutido en tripa (ciego), para obtener la presencia tradicional, de este producto tan genuino.
Sobrasada Ibérica
Elaborada a partir de una receta
transmitida de generación en generación
siempre cuidando la máxima calidad en
nuestra materia prima.
Selected meats, spiced and flavoured, rolled and pressed with innards, and dried in a chamber and matured in a cellar. This product has been specifically designed for barbeques and stews.
From the leg of iberian pork, these loin pieces are dried in a chamber and matured in a cellar. This is a typical product from the Aracena area, and is particularly exquisite.
Sobrasada Ibérica
Elaborada a partir de una receta
transmitida de generación en generación
siempre cuidando la máxima calidad en
nuestra materia prima.
Presa de paleta de cerdo ibérico, está embuchado, se cado en cámara y madurado en bodega. Producto típico de la zona de Aracena, está riquísimo.
shop of iberian ham and pork products
we are always available to help you choose
If you have any doubts or questions in terms of selecting your product, please do not hesítate to consult us. We are available to make recommendations for any special event you may be planning, or able to help you select your menus for the week.
Spreadable Sausage (Sobrasada Ibérica al Pedro Ximenez)
Made from a récipe that has been passed down through the generations, this product is a typical spreadable pork product which uses the highest quality meat products.
Spicy Spanish Sausage from acorn-fed pig – (Chorizo extra Ibérico “Bellota”)
A traditional sausage product from the mountainous area of Aracena, made from a careful selection of the highest quality cuts of pork.
Traditional Iberian Sausage cooked meat from acorn fed pigs(Salchichón extra Ibérico “Bellota”)
We have combined tradition and the strictest health and safety protocols to produce this sausage product from the Aracena mountains.
EL ARCÓN DEL FRAILE is a company that operates in Europe, offering luxury Iberian products from the Aracena and Aroche mountain range. We have a large range of products at our disposal, and our particular specialities are ham and leg of free range acorn fed pork, loin, different cold meat sausage products both solid such as chorizo, and salchichón ibérico,or spreadable such as sobrasada ibérica (spreadable sausage), morcón ibérico (blood sausage), and migrut de jamón (a pate product)…
Our team is committed to offering a superior service and product range to ensure that best taste and quality possible is achieved.
The family, who know Spain very well, experienced the culture surrounding the Iberian pork sector, understanding what is involved in the importance and commitment that is given to a healthy lifestyle and the natural connection with animals and the environment.
From the beginning of the production process, the family that founded this company, planned the task and assumed the challenge of disseminating this lifestyle which is so intrinsic to southern Spain. To this end, they undertook rigorous studies of the end to end process, and they initiated the production process from the birth of the Iberian pig in a free range environment, and the care and feeding throughout the animals’ lives. This process includes a period of acorn feeding, which is imperative to the production of such a high quality product. The slaughter process is humane and takes place in specialised slaughter houses. The products then go through rigorous processes, including drying and maturing, which respect traditional methods that have been passed down through generations.
(+34) 640 038 166
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Shipping in Spain, Portugal, France, Belgium, Allemagne and Italie
Delivery takes from 2 to 3 working days depending on the contry.